Feline Grooming

Specializing in cat grooming, offering in home service to help keep your cat comfortable; Resulting in a relaxed grooming experience and an impeccably polished kitty.

Spaw Services

  • Lion Shave $100

    Removal of all hair from the body and tail, leaving only the legs, chest and tip of tail with hair. Complementary nail trim.

  • Sanitary Belly Shave $75

    Belly Shave from armpits to bum.

    Complementary nail trim.

  • Brazilian Belly Shave $60

    Shave of only lower belly and bum.

    Complementary nail trim

  • De-Shedding $50

    A thorough brushing to remove excess under coat and some removal of tangles/ small mattes that are not too close to the skin. no shaving required.

    Complementary nail trim.

  • De-Matting $65

    Special brushing, but depending on how tight the mattes are, we may need to spot shave the matted area.

    Complementary nail trim.

  • Bathing Options

    Wet Bath $30: Hypoallergenic professional shampoo & conditioner in your tub.

    Dry Bath $15: Waterless hypoallergenic shampoo foam, removes oils from the fur, purfect for a quick clean.

  • Nail Trim $30

    Trimming of nails on all four paws

  • Nail Cap Application $45

    Nail trim & application of nail covers.

    Nail Caps are to be purchased by owner. Some precautions need to be considered before nail cap application. Please contact me prior to booking to ensure this is the best solution for your cat.

  • Nail Cap Removal $35

    Nail Trim & Removal of old nail caps.

    Nail caps should naturally shed off your cat’s nails after about 2 weeks. If your cat still has caps on after 2 weeks, please book a removal. If you desire a new set, book a nail cap application as well.

Limited Appointments

Limited Appointments

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • Let grooming be an enjoyable and comfortable experience for your cat by introducing grooming interactions with your cat when they’re just a kitten. This makes them grow up accustomed to the feeling of being brushed and petted. You don’t necessarily have to start off by immediately giving kitty a full-on grooming session (ex. Nail trimming, ear cleaning, a bath). Start off slow with simple things like brushing and nail clipping that are really easy to do at home!

  • The frequency to which you should groom your cat greatly depends on your cat’s breed! are they short haired? long haired? generally, medium to long haired cats need more frequent brushing than short haired cats. but whether your cat is short haired, medium haired or long haired be careful not to over brush!

    • Give treats during grooming sessions Give treats for positive reinforcement! Praise kitty while being groomed i usually recommend a lick stick of your choice, Tiki cat, or temptations i find most cats find as a high reward and eventually they begin to associate grooming sessions with positive outcomes.

    • Trim Kitty’s Nails. Master the art of trimming your cats claws. if your cat gets too stressed out and starts trying to squirm their way out of your arms, don’t force them to keep them still-just let the kitty go. try again later when there more relaxed, even just one paw at a time with breaks in between sometimes helps until they are use to the process.

    • Always ensure that your cat is comfortable Most importantly, take note of your cats comfort level and be attuned to any signs of stress that they might exhibit. the duration of the grooming session should be as long or as short as your cat is comfortable with and should end before they show signs of discomfort.

  • Cats do a wonderful job of keeping themselves clean. Yet, licking, while generally quite effective in keeping themselves clean ( for a short period of time at least ) does not employ the conventional use of soap and water which are decidedly more effective in getting rid of dirt and bacteria.

    so yes, your cat needs a bath. More so when:

    • They suffer from skin conditions

    • You discover external parasites in your cats fur

    • They’re getting on in age and require that extra help in keeping themselves clean

    • Your cat is a chonky boi

  • It’s best to trim your cats nails every 10 days or 2 weeks. if you notice your cats claws getting stuck on soft surfaces, your cats claws are defiantly long overdue for a trim!